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A Competitive Entrance Examination at the Higher Teacher's Training College of Maroua for the academic year 2016/2017

A competitive written examination for the admission into the first year of the first cycle and into the first year of the second cycle of the section for Student-Teachers of Secondary General Education in the Higher Teacher's Training College of the University of Maroua is launched, for 2016/2017 academic year.

 Entrance to the First cycle

  1. German (15)
  2. Arabic (20)
  3. Chemistry (35)
  4. Chinese (20)
  5. Spanich (20)
  6. Geography (20)
  7. History  (30)
  8. Computer Science (25)
  9. Italian  (10)
  10. English Langue  and Litterature of English Expression (25)
  11. French Langue and  Litterature of  French Expression (30)
  12. Bilingual letters  (25)
  13. Mathematics  (30)
  14. Sciences of Education (20)
  15. Physics (35)
  16. Life and Earth Sciences (35)

Cycle 1 order to Launch

Cycle 1  Registration form

Entrance to the Second cycle

  1. German  (10)
  2. Arabic (10)
  3. Chimistry (25)
  4. Guidance Councelling (25)
  5. Spanich (15)
  6. Geography (30)
  7. History (30)
  8. Computer Science - Option : Fondamental Computer Science (15)
  9. Informatique- Option : Information and Communication  Technology (20)
  10. English Langue and  English Litteratures Expression  (20)
  11. French Langue and French  Litteratures Expression (30)
  12. Bilingual Letters  (15)
  13. Mathématics (20)
  14. Sciences of Education (20)
  15. Physics  (25)
  16.  Life and Earth Sciences  (30)

   Cycle 2 order to Launch           Cycle 2  Registration form