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The Health and Social Welfare Centre

The Health and Social Welfare Centre of the University of Maroua is made up of a health service and a social welfare service.

It has as mission:

  • To carry out medical prospection of students with the aim of screening medical infections and health troubles.
  • To ensure health surveillance.
  • To ensure hygiene and sanitation on campus.
  • To carry out social action.
  • To run a Unit for dialogue.


A multi-disciplinary team comprising: Doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, Physiotherapist, Social assistants . . . will welcome you, listen to you, inform and direct you.

  • Therapeutic Consultations.
  • Vaccinations.
  • Psychological assistance.
  • Prenuptial record.
  • Food and nutrition.
  • Contraception and family planning.
  • Antenatal Consultations.
  • Handling cases of sexually transmissible infections (STI) and HIV/AIDS.
  • Sports related Medicine and follow-up of athletes.
  • Labour related Medicine.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Laboratory.
  • Pharmacy.

Social Action

A permanent Social Assistance worker to help you. It has as missions:

  • To receive, listen, and orientate students.
  • To help students overcome personal, family or university-related problems through discussion, individual or group dialogue, psychological, moral and material assistance.
  • To forward application files for instant financial aid from the UMa solidarity funds and other public or private administrative instances.
  • To participate in certain commissions: « Work Study Program », lodging and restaurant services.
  • To work in close collaboration with all services dealing with student life.
Handicap Mission: it is a unit that receives students, does counseling and provides expertise, in the domain of the handicap, and at the service of students and the personnel.
  • To help in the integration of handicapped persons.
  • To make arrangements for studies and student part-time services (stages).
  • To disseminate a « handicap » awareness culture through sensitization activities.
  • To receive and counsel students and personnel confronted with integration difficulties resulting from their status as handicap.
  • To work in favour of handicapped students (concerning lodging, substitutions, catering, transportation, « Work Study Program »…)
Promotion of good health
  • To participation in health-related activities;
  • To help in the prevention and fight against social ills (stress, alchohol, tobacco, drogue, alcohol, violence, STI/HIV/AIDS…);
  • To participate in the fight against smoking and other addictions ;
  • To assist in First Aid training.

Systematic Medical Visits


Regular medical check-ups are obligatory for all UMa students. Within the framework of these check-ups, a discussion with a nurse and a social assistant will lead to the proposal of assistance adapted to eventual personal, family and financial difficulties, . . .

In addition to the physical check-up, a vaccination control as well as visual, urinary, auditory and blood tests are carried out. An x-ray examination of the thorax can be carried out on new students. Then follows the consultation of a medical doctor and, if necessary, the patient is directed to a more specialized service. At the end of these consultations a medical certificate of fitness for higher studies will be issued.


Open from Monday to Friday  from 7 a.m to 7 p.m, Saturdays and Public holidays from 7.30 a.m to 2 p.m.


Health and Social Welfare Centre  
P.O. Box 46 Maroua
Telephone : 222 29 20 42